Thursday, April 1, 2010


does anyone know the prices at gameworks I cant find anything on there website


It%26#39;s a marketing ploy, if you knew the prices you%26#39;d stay away. What prices are you most intersted in?


I%26#39;m not sure about the one in Vegas, but I%26#39;d venture to guess all Gameworks are pretty similar. You buy a card with whatever denomination you want (let%26#39;s say $20). Each game you then decide to play takes a portion of that $20 off your card (like an ATM card). You%26#39;ll swipe the card and the game you%26#39;re about to play will show your remaining balance. At any time you can recharge the card to get more credits (of course, that will cost you whatever you decide to put on it). Typically, the card itself cost $1 and $20 will give you a good chance to play whatever you want for about 1 hr. Sometimes, they%26#39;ll offer deals like buy $25 in credits and get $10 free, so ask if they have anything like that going on. Hope this helps

thanks that helps I didnt know if they had one price to play for so long


The $20 for 1 hour reference works for me- you might blow through $20 in 10 minutes (very possible). Sometimes though, they will offer unlimited gaming for an hour (again, depends on deals they%26#39;re offering). It%26#39;s not terribly cheap, but doing it once in a while is fun and worth it (again, to me....)

The video games range in price from $.25 to $1.00 per person to play. How long that lasts is dependent upon how good of a player you are. Not sure how much it is to climb the rock wall.

Try to look online for coupon deals that offer $50 free play with any $50 purchase. I found a similar deal in summer of 2003 when I was ther with my family.

Try this site:

Otherwise do a Google seach under Las Vegas Coupons.

Good Luck.

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