Thursday, April 8, 2010

What does it take to be considered a HIGH ROLLER?

My friend said he went to Las Vegas for the 2nd time and had a free suitre at the Treasure Island by putting about 10 grand in an account and gambled there a fair amount but not that much.

any comment or advice or experience regarding this would be appreciated.

What does it take to be considered a HIGH ROLLER?

There are whales who clearly ';have it';. there are high rollers who visit often with $1000 chips. and then there are a many who bet enough to get free rooms.

High rollers generally are well beyond normal players.

I don%26#39;t think depositing $10,000 in an account one time will give you roller status. And don%26#39;t be surprised if the casino does know your life history before calling you a high roller.

What does it take to be considered a HIGH ROLLER?

Credit line of $200,000 or more. Willingness to play hour upon hour of $500 a hand 21, Craps or Baccarat. That is in my mind a true High Roller.

Geez, maybe tims42 with his penney and nichel machine bets has the right idea after all!!!

If you have to ask...... ;)

Darn it.

Quit posting pictures of your younger sister.

A ';whale'; maybe up to 200K or more, but they didn%26#39;t make that kind of money by being stupid. Or they inherited it.

They, of course, can afford to lose it.

The casinos make 99% of their money on people that gamble 2 or 3K on craps and slots and BJ.

Most generally, less.

Hey, just kiddin...

Read a book by Steve Cyr (Whale hunt in the desert) if you want to get an insight into the makeup of a %26#39;High Roller.

Basically you wouldn%26#39;t be classed as one unless u deposited around $200k and bet $1k a hand upwards, although this is loose change for some.

At Bellagio I was told to get %26#39;rated%26#39; (minor comps, meals etc) I would need to play $25 a hand for 4 hours a day (minimum).

By the way, the book is a good read.

Just got my annual report from Ceasars yesterday. Revenue breaks down as follows:





Food and Beverage=11%


Of the 4 plus billin dollars in revenue (wworldwide) they generated, 622 million fell to the botton line.

Seadog wasnt asking about how to be a ';whale';, which you obviously cant ';become'; one by trying to woo or trick the casino. However since the question was about ';high roller';...i guess it depends on the definition. Obviously the monkeys posting replies here have never brought that kind of dough to a casino.

Let me tell you, it takes much less than you think. If you bring 10 grand or so, they will pounce on you to get you to play with it, and hopefully you will leave without it.

IMHO, its WHERE you play that will get their attention. What casino are we talking about? Bellagio, forget it. Aladdin? Perhaps its easier there. ALWAYS go play in the high limit area. Those places are daggone intimidating to walk into, mostly because they are empty, except for the pack of asians in the corner shouting ';monkey!'; (baccarat expression) So, the hosts working that area have no one else to go for, and you are the target. Pull a couple of grand in chips and start playing, and if you get up a couple hundred, look bored and get up to leave. Prepare to be pounced upon. Talk to the host right, and you could be looking at a free suite for the rest of your stay, with the complimentary phone calls all day long to your room from said host asking when you are going to come down and play some more hehe. I did this only playing 3 one hundred dollar hands. Never played another hand the rest of the weekend but spent it in their $1,000 a night suite.

They rate you by average bet times how long you play. No one on this board probably has any better than a guess at how the ratings actually play out or what they can offer you. There is a basic formula that multiplies your play by the house edge and they calculate what you are ';worth'; to them, i.e., what you are leaving behind to the casino and give you a % of that in comps to keep it flowing, but who knows for sure.

Nowadays I bring $100K to the casino, and ususally play 100-1,000 a hand. That has been enough for me, and gets me what i need/want. But to be honest, i could care less. If I had to, and i have before i got rated, i brought the same amount and stayed at a crappy dump of a hotel down the street. My winnings at the tables are my reward. If they want me to sleep in a nice place at their hotel, so be it.

Plus, its hella fun to walk up to a table on the floor and ask for $50K in chips. Trust me, that perks their ears up.

Best of luck, bring home the money.


How bout a High Troller ?

ReseroLibertas less of the %26#39;monkeys%26#39; u a**hole !

The book I referred discussed both %26#39;whales%26#39; and %26#39;high rollers%26#39; at length.

Perhaps you should write one, obviously being an expert - or maybe you%26#39;re already a mentioned in this one - LMFAO

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